Italian Association for Vitreous Floaters
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Italian Association for Vitreous Floaters


The project came into being at the end of 2002, through the initiative of various individuals suffering from vitreous floaters , a common eye condition for which no medical treatment currently exists. The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of the condition, which is more or less ignored by the medical community, and to fight the wall of silence which inexplicably surrounds it. was thus created with a twofold aim: to gather the limited information available on the condition, and to become an indispensable and easily accessed point of reference for floater sufferers.

At the first meeting in Rome, the project’s founders Davide , Massimiliano and Maurizio, laid the foundations for a future partnership, then created both a portal, named “”, and a lively” forum”, on internet; these become soon important communication’s tools; first recording a lot of access of young more than elderly people, where all people complained the lack of medical point of reference while exchange own experience; then becoming an easily access point for taking and comparing information and where collect requests of voluntary cooperation on his progress. Finally Alfonso, a young webmaster of Naples, has re-engineered the website graphics until to present-day setting;

A providential and sudden meeting, in dr fioravanti’s clinic, was arranged by the founders and team, when dr Scott Geller, an expert of yag-laser treatment for floaters, went in visit to Rome; at that time team was collaborating with us in setting-up the first association of floaters sufferers; after extensive discussion on this method, all present people realized there could be a potential, although limited, therapeutic treatment.

In 2003 therefore, CieloAzzurroOnlus, is named a non profit, private organization, based in Rome, whit the aim to identify any useful and timely initiative to promote information, knowledge and support for a scientific research on vitreous body and related diseases. Another purpose is to create and spread awareness for the greater patient community, also networking together similar associations.

“Associazone Cielo Azzurro Onlus”, a little no-profit entity , was able in a few years, to engage in the field of communication,( through mass media, newspapers, studies, conferences, congress), and in the field of scientific research and social and health activities, following achievements listed below


In 2004 information and awareness campaign stared through the mass media (radio, TV, newspapers and internet)

Newspapers & magazine

Articles in:

"Panorama" magazine: 'A site dedicated to floaters' 17/4/2005
“Corriere della Sera” newspaper: 'You better clear your sight' prof B Gabrieli Roma by Sartorio 27/3/2005
”Ravenna” newspaper: 'Two days to get rid of vitreous floaters.. 14/10 /2005
“Silhouette Women“ magazine: 'Shadows trough the image' By dr. E. Ligabue Milan 23/6/2006
“L’informazione di San Marino ” newspaper: "Vireous Floater discussion in San Marino' by D. Oddone 22/6/2006
“La Sicilia” newspaper "The eye floaters causes and cures" by dr A. Torrisi 09/11/2008
“Eco di Bergamo” newspaper: 'Mini-invasive Vitrectomy' dr S Zenoni 17/4/2009
“Mattino di Padova” newspaper: 'Floaters research started by ophthalmological center..” 29/5/2009


Radio, TV & internet

"Interview of dr T.Rossi in the radio show “Tuttobenessere 10/10/2002
"Uno Mattina" TV show 18/5/2004
Spot TV "The way you see the sky “ in “you tube” 26/6/2006 ….on social network You tube, Twitter, GT and Facebook 15/4/2004
Local TV interview "Antenna A" by scientific director 02/4/2009
Local TV interview "Antenna A" by scientific director 02/4/2009

Awareness Campaign

Letter to ophthalmologists SOI” (Italian Ophthalmologic Society) 10/3/2004
A doctor answer to patients questions in our internet forum 05/8/2005
Awareness Campaign: Poster based put in crouded places 24/5/2006
"You're not alone: Our Association is proud to anounce an hotline available for vitreous floaters sufferers." 12/12/2007
Interview with dr G. Bamonte on” Stem cells and oculare diseases 10/4/2009
Letter to Health’s ministry and answer by Bietti Foundation 12/6/2009
Free sight screening campaign 2008-2009